Port Angeles Food Bank

A nonprofit organization

20 donors

100% complete

$3,000 Goal


We’re tired of telling it, and you’re tired of hearing it. The same old story...

“There are faceless people in your community who are hungry, help them.”

The truth of food insecurity looks much different.

The truth is, our customers are people you know. They are your clerk at the grocery store, your mail delivery driver, your child’s school teacher, the bus driver, your barista, and you.

Our customers are the faces of this community. They work 40 hours a week, usually more. They face terrible choices like whether to buy food for their family or pay their electric bill.

We exist because your neighbors need us. We exist because YOU need us. Paychecks don’t reach as far as they used to and we don’t want anyone to choose between food or the gas they need to get to work.

We are tired of being quiet about food insecurity, it is real, and it is all around us.

The mission of our food bank is simple, it is to nourish our community. Our job is not to end hunger, because we know we cannot solve hunger with food. We solve hunger through deep systemic change that gets to the root of poverty.

We know food insecurity is a symptom of a much bigger problem. And while we cannot solve hunger, we can help end the experience of hunger in our community, because that is why we exist.

Our story is about helping everyone in Clallam County know that if they need help keeping food on the table, they can come to us. Our story is about helping anyone who needs us. Our story is about helping you.

With your support:

  • More families will know where their next meal is coming from.
  • We continue to work change the stigma surrounding food banks and ensure that everyone in our community feels welcome to get food when they need it.
  • Our community members can save hard-earned money for housing, electricity bills, transportation, and more. Access to food banks eliminates some of the financial stress and allows people to focus that money in other needed areas.
  • More children will have enough to eat so they can succeed in school without needing to worry about when they will eat next. Our Friday Food Bag program ensures that students have access to healthy food, even when they are away from school.


Join us in making this dream for our community a reality.


Organization Data


Organization name

Port Angeles Food Bank

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid


PO BOX 1885


(360) 452-8568

Social Media